Legacy Donations for William Marvin Roberts
- Rich & Sarah Cochran
- Katie Dickerson
- Teresa Dyer
- Barbara Hendley
- Suzanne Peterson
- Carl & Mary Jo Vernon
Cost Analysis
Education Costs
Education really is the key to a brighter future. We offer so many ways to sponsor students and you can pick how your dollars will have the most impact.
Elementary Students
Jr High/High School Students
Elementary Students
One Time Costs:
- Backpack $25
- Books $140
- Lunch Kit $20
- Registration $200
- School Shirts $40
- School Supplies $100
- Shoes $50
- Uniform $100
- Water Bottle $10
Monthly Costs:
- Lunch/Snack $100
- Transportation $40
- Tuition $160
Jr High/High School Students
One Time Costs:
- Backpack $25
- Registration $160
- School Shirts $30 (twice/yr)
- School Supplies $100
- Shoes $50
- Water Bottle $10
Monthly Costs:
- Tuition $30
Basic Necessities
Too often in Punta Caliente families have to choose between putting food on the table or fixing a leaky roof or buying propane for a cook stove.
Living Expenses
- $5 will supply a week’s worth of powdered milk
- $15 can provide lunches for a student for one week
- $20 can provide rice and beans for a family for one week
- $100 will supply a family of 5 with basic food for two weeks
Living Expenses
- $10 can fill a liquid propane tank for cooking for about 2-3 weeks
- $8 gives access to public water for a month
- $15 supplies washing powder and bleach for a month
- $15 buys toilet paper for a month
- $5-10 purchases shampoo for a month
- $3 buys a bar of soap